function to generate coefficient matrix with hierarchical sparsity
genHierSparseBeta( ncats, nvars, hier.sparsity.param = 0.5, avg.hier.zeros = NULL, effect.size.max = 0.5, misspecification.prop = 0 )
ncats | number of categories to stratify on |
nvars | number of variables |
hier.sparsity.param | parameter between 0 and 1 which determines how much hierarchical sparsity there is. To achieve a desired total level of sparsity among the variables with hierarchical sparsity, this parameter can be estimated using the function 'estimate.hier.sparsity.param' |
avg.hier.zeros | desired percent of zero variables among the variables with hierarchical zero patterns. If this is specified, it will override the given hier.sparsity.param value and estimate it. This takes a while |
effect.size.max | maximum magnitude of the true effect sizes |
misspecification.prop | proportion of variables with hierarchical missingness misspecified |
set.seed(123) # estimate hier.sparsity.param for 0.15 total proportion of nonzero variables # among vars with hierarchical zero patterns # NOT RUN: Takes a long time # hsp <- estimate.hier.sparsity.param(ncats = 3, nvars = 25, avg.hier.zeros = 0.15, nsims = 100) # the above results in the following value hsp <- 0.6341772 # check that this does indeed achieve the desired level of sparsity mean(replicate(100, mean(genHierSparseBeta(ncats = 3, nvars = 25, hier.sparsity.param = hsp) != 0) ))#> [1] 0.14565sparseBeta <- genHierSparseBeta(ncats = 3, nvars = 25, hier.sparsity.param = hsp)