Calculates covariate conditional treatment effects using estimated benefit scores
treatment.effects(x, ...)
# S3 method for default
treatment.effects(x, ...)
loss = c("sq_loss_lasso", "logistic_loss_lasso", "poisson_loss_lasso",
"cox_loss_lasso", "owl_logistic_loss_lasso", "owl_logistic_flip_loss_lasso",
"owl_hinge_loss", "owl_hinge_flip_loss", "sq_loss_lasso_gam",
"poisson_loss_lasso_gam", "logistic_loss_lasso_gam", "sq_loss_gam",
"poisson_loss_gam", "logistic_loss_gam", "owl_logistic_loss_gam",
"owl_logistic_flip_loss_gam", "owl_logistic_loss_lasso_gam",
"owl_logistic_flip_loss_lasso_gam", "sq_loss_xgboost", "custom"),
method = c("weighting", "a_learning"),
pi.x = NULL,
# S3 method for subgroup_fitted
treatment.effects(x, ...)
a fitted object from fit.subgroup()
not used
vector of estimated benefit scores
loss choice USED TO CALCULATE benefit.scores
of both the M function from Chen, et al (2017) and
potentially the penalty used for variable selection. See fit.subgroup
for more details.
method choice USED TO CALCULATE benefit.scores
. Either the "weighting"
method or
method. See fit.subgroup
for more details
The propensity score for each observation
A List with elements delta
(if the treatment effects are a difference/contrast,
i.e. \(E[Y|T=1, X] - E[Y|T=-1, X]\)) and gamma
(if the treatment effects are a ratio,
i.e. \(E[Y|T=1, X] / E[Y|T=-1, X]\))
for function which fits subgroup identification models.
for printing of objects returned by
or treatment.effects
n.obs <- 500
n.vars <- 25
x <- matrix(rnorm(n.obs * n.vars, sd = 3), n.obs, n.vars)
# simulate non-randomized treatment
xbetat <- 0.5 + 0.5 * x[,21] - 0.5 * x[,11]
trt.prob <- exp(xbetat) / (1 + exp(xbetat))
trt01 <- rbinom(n.obs, 1, prob = trt.prob)
trt <- 2 * trt01 - 1
# simulate response
delta <- 2 * (0.5 + x[,2] - x[,3] - x[,11] + x[,1] * x[,12])
xbeta <- x[,1] + x[,11] - 2 * x[,12]^2 + x[,13]
xbeta <- xbeta + delta * trt
# continuous outcomes
y <- drop(xbeta) + rnorm(n.obs, sd = 2)
# time-to-event outcomes
surv.time <- exp(-20 - xbeta + rnorm(n.obs, sd = 1))
cens.time <- exp(rnorm(n.obs, sd = 3))
y.time.to.event <- pmin(surv.time, cens.time)
status <- 1 * (surv.time <= cens.time)
# create function for fitting propensity score model
prop.func <- function(x, trt)
# fit propensity score model
propens.model <- cv.glmnet(y = trt,
x = x, family = "binomial")
pi.x <- predict(propens.model, s = "lambda.min",
newx = x, type = "response")[,1]
subgrp.model <- fit.subgroup(x = x, y = y,
trt = trt01,
propensity.func = prop.func,
loss = "sq_loss_lasso",
nfolds = 3) # option for cv.glmnet
trt_eff <- treatment.effects(subgrp.model)
#> List of 2
#> $ delta: num [1:500] 0.533 15.571 1.365 10.705 20.995 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "comparison.trts")= int 1
#> ..- attr(*, "reference.trt")= int 0
#> ..- attr(*, "trts")= int [1:2] 0 1
#> $ gamma: logi NA
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "individual_treatment_effects" "list"
#> Summary of individual treatment effects:
#> E[Y|T=1, X] - E[Y|T=0, X]
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> -25.661 -3.245 3.926 4.070 10.995 34.932
subgrp.model.cox <- fit.subgroup(x = x, y = Surv(y.time.to.event, status),
trt = trt01,
propensity.func = prop.func,
loss = "cox_loss_lasso",
nfolds = 3) # option for cv.glmnet
trt_eff_c <- treatment.effects(subgrp.model.cox)
#> List of 2
#> $ delta: logi NA
#> $ gamma: num [1:500] 1.362 0.973 1.527 0.897 1.236 ...
#> ..- attr(*, "comparison.trts")= int 1
#> ..- attr(*, "reference.trt")= int 0
#> ..- attr(*, "trts")= int [1:2] 0 1
#> - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:2] "individual_treatment_effects" "list"
#> Summary of individual treatment effects:
#> E[Y|T=1, X] / E[Y|T=0, X]
#> Note: for survival outcomes, the above ratio is
#> E[g(Y)|T=1, X] / E[g(Y)|T=0, X],
#> where g() is a monotone increasing function of Y,
#> the survival time
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 0.3656 0.8367 1.0695 1.1264 1.3357 2.6774